H&H is now part of USI Consulting Group (USICG). Together, we look forward to assisting you with your retirement plan needs. Soon, the look of this page will reflect the USICG brand. Although the look of this page will change, you may continue to access your account using the same user name and password used today.

Browser compatibility warning
The Defined Contribution and 403(b)/457 links are currently not supported by Firefox’s recent upgrade to version 10. If you are using Firefox version 10 to access this site, please close your browser and re-open PensionEdge using another browser. Firefox 10 is expected to be supported on or around February 24, 2012.
PensionEdge® Pension Plan >
Defined Contribution Plan >
Includes your 401(k), Profit Sharing or ESOP Retirement Plan information.
CT Teachers 403(b) Plan
Includes your 403(b) or 457 Retirement Plan information.